Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Thanks for visiting the Dancin’ Dudes and Dolls! Our club is very unique in that family interaction is the goal of the club, and square dancing is the means to accomplish that goal. Our members are all avid Christian homeschooling families, looking for a good time with a constant goal of glorifying God. Visit the ‘About Us’ page to learn how our club was started and our mission statement. 
Go to our Photo Gallery to see pictures of us!!! These pictures show us dancing during lessons, traveling to dances, dancing with other clubs, and hosting our graduation dances!!! The pictures are provided by members, officers, and visitors of the Dancin’ Dudes and Dolls.
By clicking on the “Events” link you can keep up with any dances we will be hosting, and which dances we intend to go to.
If you have questions, comments, or concerns, please use the “Contact Us” page to access and email our club officers. We check our club email daily!!! If you would like us to get back to you by phone, be sure to leave your phone number!
See you in a square!

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